- Altered Carbon
- Arcane
- Beavis und Butthead
- Bridgerton
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- Cheers
- Cobra Kai
- Dexter
- Friends
- Haus des Geldes
- Invincible
- Mad Men
- Ozark
- Peaky Blinders
- Percy Jackson
- Power Rangers
- Sesamstraße
- Squid Game
- Star Trek
- Stargate
- Stranger Things
- Ted Lasso
- The Golden Girls
- The Simpsons
- The Smurfs Die Schlümpfe
- The Sopranos
- The Umbrella Academy
- The Witcher
- Tom und Jerry
- Wednesday
- What We Do in the Shadows
- Yellowjackets
1 bis 8 (von insgesamt 271)